So, I’m messing around with the new Windows Live Writer and it’s pretty good (so far). Lets see I’ve got insert link, picture, and map. Lets try them out:
sweet, photo edges. Oh wow, we’ve got photo manipulations! Watermark, effects. Pretty Snazzy.
Now, how about a map.
Ohmy, VERY nice integration with we can do road, aerial, AND birds eye view.
Lets try some block quotes.
Blitz is a smelly belly
And to top it off, thank the Lord for spellchecker. Set the post category, change the post options (comments, trackbacks, link, keywords, publish time, nice!). Time to publish, lets see how this baby performs.
-note, bug found, I had the year set to 2006, however it saved it to wordpress w/ 1969 (nice) it’s beta folks, so keep that in mind.
-note #2, map doesn’t work in FFox, will try aerial + road as well later.
another thing, it auto-uploaded the photo, horrah!
That’s hot cuz my current method of uploading photo’s sucks.