The Netflix One [Podcast]

“The Netflix One” which is also “The New Video Games One”. We certainly loves us some games and video content, and this week, that’s about all we talk about. So if you hate those things, you probably hate us, so just stop reading this and go away. If you’re still here be prepared to enjoy a lively discussion on TV/Netflix/Hulu/Etc. and then a “borked”-style preview of the Fall 2009 video game releases.

the rev


Fall ’09 Games: (the good ones)

2 thoughts on “The Netflix One [Podcast]

  1. Phuul and I are both a bit amused at some of the commentary on this. But, for now, just one thing — do not mock MacGuyver. ::grin:: You may not appreciate the brilliance, but that’s not the show’s fault 😉

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